Last night the whole family made our TV debut on George Clarke’s Old House New Home show on Channel 4, you can watch the episode on the Channel 4 website.
I ‘ve been busy rebranding, redesigning and Cookie-ifying all of SamKnows digital products this year. First to get relaunched is the website –
If you don’t know anything about SamKnows and it’s highly likely that you don’t, they can measure your internet, they measure lots of peoples internet, they are considered the best measurers of the internet in the world! Governments, regulators and ISPs all over the world use them to conduct national studies on internet performance. They have big plans, plans to help you get better internet, understand your internet performance more, make the complexity and mystery about why your internet is sometimes good, sometimes bad and thing of the past, they want to build a self healing internet so you don’t ever have to worry about bad internet again. We’re not there yet… but you can sign up for a free Whitebox and start monitoring your internet right now, new features will be hot off the production line.
Big up to Callum for building it, all the .svg animations on the homepage required some mad maths skills. Oh there’s a couple of hidden Easter eggs on the homepage, see if you can find them :)
The guys I’m working with were on BBC’s Dragon’s Den last night! Here’s the episode on iPlayer, they’re right at the end of the show. Asi’s negotiations were brilliant, the only time I can remember someone getting all the money they wanted for the equity they offered. 商户收录_百度口碑 - Baidu:百度口碑通过网民对商家的真实评价,有凭有据的消费投诉,专业人士点评,商家口碑事件,帮助用户决策。是体现网民对商家、产品或服务态度的信息平台。网民可众通过本系统平台发布对线下交易过程中所感受的服务,商家印象,自身评价,形成口碑,助力广大网民信息决策。.
One of the nicest things about working for a company like Lost My Name is the feedback we get from our customers, here’s a particular favourite we received the other day:
I have to tell you that I am 53 years old and have purchased countless gifts for children over the last 35 years and this book was the most extraordinary and priceless gift I have ever given to any one before. This is no exaggeration. Your work was perfect – creative, intelligent and beautifully crafted.
Head over the Lost My Name, stick a name in and see what it’s all about. Or watch this video:
Great little animation by motion designer Markus Magnusson. Love the style, the masked transitions between greetings is really nice, the fist bump greeting is my favourite. More animations on his Vimeo »
I love a good illustrated map, this one by the excessⅴpn下载 is a fine example. Nice clean geometry, lovely bit of vintage texturing, and the rest of their work is well worth checking out too.
As an avid collector of random crap I’m drawn to this set of beautiful colour studies by New York-based artist Sara Cwynar.
Finished editing the video of me and my brother walking across the Alps from Lake Geneva to Nice along the GR5. If you haven’t got half an hour to spare, GATK之VariantAnnotator-云栖社区-阿里云:2021-5-1 · 【Spark Summit East 2021】加速云上Spark基因测序的数据驱动方法众及案例研究 小猫吃鱼569 2021-02-20 13:29:13 浏览1591 数据驱动创新 英特尔助精准医疗驶上普及化快车道.
At the time we booked our plane tickets we didn’t realise that the Alps had received it’s biggest snowfall in the past 50 years over winter… So even though it was early summer (June), it felt more like spring! Progress was slow through the deep snow on the passes and we had to make a few detours for safety. In the end we didn’t make it all the way to Nice before our 20 days ran out, we stopped a few days short at Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée. But we had a great time, the scenery was fantastic and we pretty much had the whole Alps to ourselves, which is a rare treat these days.
You can see the photo set of the trip here »
I drew a picture of Eddie the other day to decorate my desktop, if you want a stylised cat face on your computer too, then download it here »
It’s been a hectic few weeks for me and Nicky, we’ve moved home to Bethnal Green and we’ve got a new kitteh! He’s a long hair Pixie Bob, although he doesn’t have a bob tail, or the extra polydactyl toe, but he is a whole lot of fun :)
Below is a short video of his first few weeks with us:
The GR5 was a fantastic little walk, sometimes we made extremely slow progress due to the sheer amount of snow this year, but we had a great time. I’ve uploaded at set of photos to Flickr if you want to see the trail in more detail.
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World Wide Website of Designer, Illustrator and Occasional Adventurer Cookie (aka Señor Whiskers) Thanks for stopping by :)
If you want like to say hi, I can be mailed here »
New Work
Set of category illustrations for the social charity site -
New site for the digital talent agency - Roome London.